
The complete mastery of logistic operations, international laws as well as phytosanitary regulations is an integral part of Pominter’s added-value. Our teams can boast an experience of over 40 years in overseas exports. We rely on historical logistics service providers to deliver our goods as efficiently as possible to our customers anywhere in the world.

The complete mastery of logistic operations, international laws as well as phytosanitary regulations is an integral part of Pominter’s added-value. Our teams can boast an experience of over 40 years in overseas exports. We rely on historical logistics service providers to deliver our goods as efficiently as possible to our customers anywhere in the world.


Picking is one of the most important time of the year. It materializes the completion of a lengthy work accomplished by our orchards’ managers and technicians; as well as the beginning of a news season for our sales team.

Picking is one of the most important time of the year. It materializes the completion of a lengthy work accomplished by our orchards’ managers and technicians; as well as the beginning of a news season for our sales team.

Traceability starts right after picking

Self-propelled picking plateform

Harvest with manual palox carrier

qualité control

Our harvesting techniques are adapted to :

  • The surrounding environment : “classic” orchards vs. organic orchards; Loire Valley vs. South West vs. South East; Weather characteristics.
  • Our methods used to drive apple-trees: “arched” branches vs. “fruit wall” technique
  • The harvested apple varieties’ features: standard vs. clubs

As a matter of fact, picking for “standard” apple varieties are done according to the yield and we use the options :

  • Self-propelled picking platform
  • Picking sledge with picking bag

However, when picking club varieties such as HoneyCrunch®, we use a “direct laying” technique to limit apple movements. To this end, use the following options :

  • Tractor with wagon-like bin carriers
  • Self-propelled picking platform
  • Tractor with picking trailer
  • Manually operated bin carriers

Once the picking in the orchards is over, controls are automatically done on site according to the different parcels and apple varieties that were picked. This allows us to kick-off our traceability work as well as quality assurance program.




All of INNATIS orchards are labelled “Vergers Ecoresponsables“. This certifies that our orchards are adhering and respecting the IPM (Integrated Pest Management) charter.